FAQ How do I mix ocean water?
Special credit thanks to Wendy at Hermit Crabs R Us for compiling and sharing this list!! After mixing all ocean/sea mixes leave sit for at least 12-24 hours prior to offering to ensure that all the...
View ArticleFAQ A Close Look At Salt Products
Hermit crab enthusiast Jennifer Nielsen compares several brands of sea salt mix in this article. Instant Ocean and Oceanic Salt Mix for hermit crabs Written by Jennifer Nielsen (aka redjln) While many...
View ArticleWhat are the common species of Land Hermit Crabs kept as pets?
The most common species kept as pets are: C. brevimanus Wrinkled Land Hermit Crab C. cavipes Concave Land Hermit Crab C. cylpeatus Carribeans (commonly known as PurplePincers) C. compressus Pacific...
View ArticleFAQ Why can’t I use tap water?
All water that comes in contact with your hermit crab must be dechlorinated. Most cities add chlorine to their water supply. Some add chlorine and chloramines to the water. Unless you have contacted...
View ArticleWhich types of moss are safe for my hermit crabs?
Hermit crabs enjoying some moss while their tank is being cleaned!Hermit crabs love moss! Not only is it a great way to create and maintain humidity but your crabs will burrow in it and even eat it....
View ArticleFAQ Can I put ladybugs in my crabitat?
Question: Craboza asked: I want them to eat the bad things. Will they eat aphids and other bad bugs in there? Or anything that is not the crabs? I want them to keep all possible parasites out. If I can...
View ArticleDeep cleaning your crabitat
I do not know the original author of this article. You’ve set up the perfect crabitat, the hermit crabs have been roaming happily about the place for weeks, even months. You change the water and the...
View ArticleUnsuitable shells for hermit crabs
There are a lot of shells being sold as hermit crab shells which are, in reality, not suitable at all. The obvious painted shells should be avoided at all costs but here are some other shells, painted...
View ArticleSurface Molts
Hermit crabs typically go about their molting business below ground away from your prying eyes and nosey tank mates but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes you will find yourself with a surface...
View ArticleMeasuring Hermit Crab Shells
Wee wants to be big so bad Hermit crab shells sold online are typically sold based on the size of the opening. When purchasing new shells for your hermit crab, measure their existing shell and then...
View ArticleSetting up a proper crabitat
How to set up a proper crabitat Let’s look at how to set up a proper hermit crab habitat, which we refer to as a crabitat. Basing your tank set up on what you saw at the petstore or mall cart where you...
View ArticleThe importance of the right kind of salt
written by Jennifer Nielsen Freshwater aquarium salt is not the same as marine or ocean salt The existence of an ocean water dish is a source of great controversy in the world of hermit crab owners....
View ArticleHow big is that hermie in the window?
How do I measure my hermit crab?What’s a micro hermit crab? What’s a jumbo hermit crab? Size can be subjective and hard to define but we are trying anyway! Our friends in Indonesia have developed two...
View ArticleManaging grain mites in the crabitat
Written by Anne Grady Food mites, more properly called grain mites are something that can be found in any tank at any time. The first thing to understand is that they did not come from the crabs,...
View ArticleHermit Crab Vacation Care
We all go on vacation or have to be away from home for an extended period at some point. Your hermit crabs will need someone to check on them at least once during a seven day absence. Ideally someone...
View ArticleA Holiday Feast for Hermit Crabs
***REMEMBER NO SEASONINGS OR ADDED SUGAR*** Safe to feed: Turkey raw or cooked Save the neck and giblet bag for the crabs Turkey bones Crack them open so they can get at the marrow. Potatoes No eyes or...
View ArticleIs UV light necessary for land hermit crabs?
There seems to be some controversy and confusion regarding the need for UV-B lighting with hermit crabs. Due to the esoteric nature of our chosen pets, few studies are available to draw from which...
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